Shearing time!

This evening, muggy and threatening rain, my little flock was sheared. Not by me, though I helped with the worming, tagging, and dosing. Jack and Chris, two sturdy young bairns, did the honours. The flock clearly felt the relief of losing their heavy, hot coats.

Two quick pics. Jack and Chris hard at it:



A lovely pile of fleece for our oblate Teresa, who will use a goodly portion of it to make sleeping mats for the homeless.



Little Malcolm was glad when it was all over.


8 thoughts on “Shearing time!

  1. That’s really good timing, I was half way through weaving the last sleeping mat when I ran out of fleece. Now I can look forward to finishing it, and starting another , and another….
    God bless


    1. Oh he was fine. He stayed in a corner till I grabbed him for tagging and his “shots” then he was out with mum again.

      I vaguely remember posting (?) about Teresa’s methods. Let me search….



  2. My daughter’s favorite book was “The Goat in the Rug”. Story about an Native American shearing her goat and making a rug. By the end of the book, the goat had grown all it’s hair back. Very cute book!


    1. Hi!

      I don’t know that book, but I suspect it did not extend beyond the US. Sounds lovely though, and maybe it got at least one person interested in wool crafts. In this digital age we need to be encouraging manual crafts as much as possible, to keep us in touch with created reality and to stop parts of our brains atrophying!



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